Wow. So within 20 minutes, I get a positive reply from Barry who is willing to answer some questions. I appreciate that I don't have to deal with rejection my first time out. Building up a little confidence is a good thing.
I've also realized the power of experimentation. When you're "experimenting" with a new behavior, it does a few good things psychologically. First, it provides what for me is much-needed objectivity. If I'm "experimenting," I'm a scientist seeing what happens as I try different things and then reporting on the results.
The second thing it does is not commit me to some major change of habit--it's a time-limited thing that I can choose to continue later or not. But if I'm just seeing what happens for 30 days, this doesn't mean I'm doing this for the rest of my life.
Tricking myself into doing what's good for me is generally necessary I've found.